Chris T
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  • Hello there the pest again :)))) I was on osrs yesterday and did there holloween event and now i cant log into Novea it throws me back into runescape ?? what do i need to do. I actually like both of them. Im sure you are on both as well
    Hello there again :)))) I have been trying to log in for a few hours now guess server is down:(((( keeps giving me error in connecting ..... Is server going to be up soon???? thank you so much Chris
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    Reactions: Chris T
    Chris T
    Chris T
    Server went down for a bit looking into it now brother
    Hello again there are lots of bugs and cant finish elite clue scrolls cause npcs are not where they are suppose to be actually not there at all... I sure enjoy p[laying and would like to fix a house up and all but cant do that either. Thank you for all you do... I do hope all of this gets fixed soon
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    Reactions: Chris T
    Chris T
    Chris T
    Hey pinkie we're got our update scheduled for today, if you're aware of any NPCs missing you can PM Chas and he can put them in place with spawn powers ^^
    Hello there i am having problems logging in says loading - please wait but i have waited over an hour and still not made it to log in can you help me plz
    Alrighty then now what has happen to the server????? i just got 99 mage and a little bit of coins not like i did have and yes lost all my votes now dont get that many what is going to happen now????
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    Reactions: Chris T
    I did just check and it still is stuck loading- please wait so sad . I enjoy playing the game and try to work on something everyday cant be on all the time but still is fun If there is any other information i can give to you I sure will. I know you have been on brothers acct for a problem and i have no problem in you doing that either. I just cant log in
    Chris T
    Chris T
    We have a small issue with a few accounts being nulled hence why you can't log in, we'll fix it asap and i'll PM you here once it's done. In the meantime feel free to play another account ^^
    Thank you Chris I teleported to travelry and started toward burthorpe:(((( brother said it was glitched he just got home from work a bit ago thanks again
    chris ttttt, my boy this is earl, please tell me there wasn't a eoc reset...
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    Reactions: Chris T
    Entire game was reset, this includes but not limited to Eco & Stats.
    Fresh release!
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    Reactions: earll
    Hi there :)))) i cant seem to log in again :((((( can someone help me please???
    Chris t tell me why I can't get into the server
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