Recent content by Thomas

  1. Thomas

    Novea Updates 2/9/2021

    Amazing update :)
  2. Thomas

    Flower Poker Tournament - FREE BUY IN

    put me in coach
  3. Thomas

    Hello :D

    Welcome brother!
  4. Thomas

    Iron Mark - Road To Max Cape #4 [FINAL]

    Congrats on maxing brother! Big accomplishment!
  5. Thomas


    Welcome to Novea! p.s. if you want to vote for rewards you will need to login to the "Noveascape" account on the forums, account details are synced.
  6. Thomas

    (60$ Giveaway) It's time to take action..

    Great video man! :)
  7. Thomas

    Loot from 250 Zulrah kills - Going for the pet!

    Juicy loot, nice man!
  8. Thomas

    Well of Goodwill

    This would actually be amazing to have on Novea!
  9. Thomas

    Can't see nobody

    You might of turned on the entity hider plugin in the runelite settings it can hide players.
  10. Thomas

    Iron Mark - Road To Max Cape #3

    Nice progress as always! sorry about the images
  11. Thomas

    Group Iron Man Progress (4/4 Maxed - server's first!)

    Your team is doing great! Good job all you guys!
  12. Thomas

    100 elites completed - looking fancier than Chris himself ??

    Nice work Catfish! You should do hard clues next.
  13. Thomas

    2FA 'Two Factor Authentication' Guide

    Thanks for making this guide!